So You Love Jesus, But Your Hubby Doesn’t?

Earlier this week I went walking with one of my besties! She is one of the most beautiful mamas I know, inside and out. She loves Jesus, but her hubby (whom she is obviously crazy about), hasn’t gotten on board yet.

I am so inspired by her and how she daily walks out her faith in her home that I just had to do this week’s video to offer some encouragement to any of you sisters out there in similar situations.

Friend, there is hope! And the Bible has much to say about your specific life circumstance.

While I love writing, my passion is speaking. I plan to create and share many more videos over the coming months.

I hope you get some great truths here to give you the extra oomph you need to keep on keeping on. It will pay off!

Here are the scriptures I referenced in this clip:

1 Peter 1:3

1 Peter 3:1 (MSG)

Proverbs 31:10-12 

“God handpicked you to have the most powerful, influential position in your spouse’s life. He wants to use you as His hands and arms and mouthpiece to show love to someone He deemed precious enough to die for. This is a very high calling!”

Form my post, Your time to shine!


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