Get About Your Purpose: Do What You Don’t Want to Do Now, So You Can Have What You Want to Have Later

“Do what you don’t want to do now, so you can have what you want to have later.”

Over the past several years I’ve read so many personal development books that I honestly don’t know who to attribute this quote to. There are many variations of this same idea. For all I know this may very well be my own version. Among the plethora of great content I have consumed over the years this concept has really stuck with me. However, I am sad to say I’ve rarely applied it as I should.

Though I felt inspired the first time I came across this thought, it all too quickly became buried under the metal pile of should do’s, must do’s, and want to do’s which I allow to constantly bombard my mind. Then, last week (seemingly out of nowhere, though we know God is behind even the most “random” of happenings) when my alarm went off before 5:30 I found myself once again reaching for the snooze button and thinking, “Man, sleeping feels so good. And I don’t wanna get out of bed!”

As I lay there convincing myself that 10 more minutes would do the trick (though I’m not sure it has ever actually done so), suddenly this quote popped into my mind. “Do what you don’t want to do now, so you can have what you want to have later.”

In that moment it was so powerful. My eyes popped open. I immediately thought, what am I doing? And why the heck do I feel jolted and almost surprised every morning when my alarm sounds? I’m the one who set it in the first place! Yesterday, motivated (and apparently rested) Jenny had a plan to give myself plenty of unrushed time with the Lord and maybe even time for a quick workout before getting the kids off to school, so I could start my day off right. So why am I letting sleepy, groggy, not yet fully awake and coherent Jenny dictated how my entire day gets set up!

I encourage you to apply this thought to your life in so many ways. As moms. As wives. As strong women, anointed by God for great things, we have so much inside of us we desire to do. Yet all too often too little energy and drive to actually get about doing it.

But you know what? We should stop asking ourselves how we feel about the things we know we should be doing. I once heard Joyce Meyer say that, when asked how she felt about all the traveling she has to do she simply replied, “I don’t know. I haven’t asked myself in a long time.” I love this!

I just want to encourage you today. If you are anything like me, and I’ve talked to enough women to know there are a lot of us out there, hang on to this quote. “Do what you don’t want to do now, so you can have what you want to have later.” And don’t even stop to ask yourself how you feel about doing the things you know you should do.

Feeling sluggish, out of shape, unmotivated? Know you should make healthier choices at the grocery? Fully aware that you should walk past the refrigerator and the pantry without opening them on your way to bed, even though your mind is telling you you could use another little snack? Anyone? No? Just me?

You know you should get your house in order. You know you should be moving more and eating less. You know you should commit the first portion of your day to getting with the Lord, so you grow in His Word and have the focus and the perspective and the power to walk into each and every day. And yet, when it comes time to actually do what you know you should do and what you say you want to do, do you stop and ask… So, do I feel up to it?

Do you find yourself frequently saying, “I know I should, but I don’t really feel like it.”

If any of this rings a bell, I want to challenge you, sister. Just as the Lord is challenging me. Take those hopes and those dreams and those desires and those passions, and tell your feelings to take a hike. Think of an action plan to get you a step closer each day to feeling truly alive. Like you’re truly living the life Christ died to give you. And then don’t even ask yourself how you feel about it when it comes time to do those things. Do the things you don’t want to do now, so you can have what you want to have later.

Feel free to use the comment section below to put it out there. What’s your plan? What’s your next step?

I highly encourage you to check out:

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [a]overflows).” John 10:10 (AMPC)

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11 (AMPC)

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