Why Your Testimony is Powerful

Ever had a chance to speak to someone about Jesus, but instead you remained quiet because “your testimony isn’t that powerful?”

Ever wanted to share something but thought, why would anyone listen to me?

Or perhaps you’ve heard others share of their pre-Christ life and thought, though you’d never want to live those same hardships, it sure would make your come-to-Jesus moment sound a lot more impressive.

Hey, I’ve been there. I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of seven. I was a “goody two-shoes” even by first grade standards.

I have a word of encouragement for my fellow faith-like-a-child believers. Those who came to Jesus in the purest form of child-like faith. Responding to the very first tugs of the Creator on the strings of your soul.

If you can relate, please hop over to TheBetterMom.com where you can read my latest guest post in full. Find out why, regardless of your circumstances when you came to Christ, your testimony is powerful!!

Read the full post HERE.



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