True Beauty: How to Look and Feel More Confident and Beautiful Without External Changes

True beauty. What is it? Can anyone have it? Does it even exist?

Whether seeking to encourage my daughter or the woman in the mirror with the under eye circles and ever increasing gray hairs, there is a verse which has always spoken life to me. And I have found it to be so true.

What woman or girl doesn’t want to be radiant? I love that the Bible gives us a formula for this.

“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5

We’ve all heard the statement that true beauty is found within. But sometimes we don’t exactly buy into it. However, the fact is when your heart is full of peace and joy and confidence it shines through. 

True Beauty Within

This inward condition of a soul convinced of it’s worth and confident in Whom it has believed displays itself outwardly in such a way that your true beauty cannot be denied! 

When our hearts are full we are radiant. No matter what we may be walking through, when we look to Him, the Giver of life and the Lover of our souls, we can find true joy and peace and contentment that far surpasses any hold this world my have on us. In this state a countenance comes over us which people cannot help but be drawn to. And others aside, when your heart is joyful you feel beautiful!

True Beauty the World Longs For

The world at large is searching and longing for what can only be found in the presence of their Creator. And when you consistently look to Him you will radiate what the world so desperately longs for.

About 15 years ago, as a young professional in our nation’s capitol this thought came to my mind, “I want people to be drawn to me because of Him and drawn to Him because of me.”

Like Moses coming down from the mountain. I want it to be clear to those I come in contact with that I have been with the Lord. (See Exodus 34) I want there to be something about me. Something about my countenance. Something in the way I carry myself and treat others that causes people to be drawn to me. And once they get to know me may they be drawn to Him because of the joy, peace, and inner confidence they see in me which can only be found in a personal relationship with Christ.

True Beauty Regimen

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

Yes, by all means. Use that dry shampoo. Choose flattering clothes. And throw on that mascara and lip gloss. But be sure in the midst of all these things you don’t neglect the one Thing that can truly make you glow! 

Time with the Lord is the greatest beauty regimen you’ll ever invest in!

For more along these lines check out my post, How to be Radiant: Maintaining Proper Son Exposure. 

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And if there is something you could use a verse for comment below, and follow me on Instagram and Facebook (@jennyzentz). Over the days and weeks to come I will regularly put up posts under #TheresAVerseForThat.

Be sure to follow the # and let me know what you could use a verse for right now. Let’s dig in together!

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