Teaching Kids Generosity: The answer is “Yes!”
We all want our kids to be generous, but are we freely demonstrating that quality in our everyday lives? Do our kids see us joyfully blessing others any time we can, or do they watch as we struggle over the atrocity that “everyone’s expecting a tip these days!”
Allow me to get real for a minute…
Have you ever had that awkward moment when you find yourself wondering, “Do you tip this person?” or “Should I pick up the tab?” or “Should I give a little in this offering even though it’s not my church?”
The Simple Answer
Well, let me put your mind at ease…the answer to these questions is simply “Yes!” If the thought comes to your mind, and if it is not going to be financially unwise for you to do so, the answer is yes. One time God told me, “Just do it! It’s just money, and it’s really not yours anyway because everything you have comes from me.”
And what about that Salvation Army bucket? Have you ever tried to sneak in the store, rushing by, careful not to make eye contact with the poor soul ringing that little bell, pretending to be on the phone or focused on something you see on the other side of the walkway? We’ve all been there. Try this, just give a couple of dollars and smile. Chances are you won’t miss the money, but God will reward your giving with the ability to walk in and out of the store guilt free!
To Bless or Not to Bless

The Bible says that God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7) I felt God saying to me, “You’re asking if you should bless someone…what do you think my answer is going to be?” I realized that worrying over whether I should give someone $5 for taking my bag, or tip the server 20% instead of 15% was robbing me of the joy of giving. The extra few dollars was not going to put me in financial straits, and yet the simple act of giving could bring as much joy and fulfillment to me as to the receiver, if not more.
I used to get worried and anxious over these little things. But I have been set free. And it is a wonderful feeling. I am a lover of the minimalist mindset. I love to purge my home. And over the past year I’ve been learning more and more how to purge my mind of the unnecessary decisions and mental clutter. This “Just go for it!” approach to generosity has definitely been a refreshing step in the right direction for me. ( I encourage you to check out one of my favorites, The Minimalist Moms Podcast for powerful and practical encouragement from some great minimalist mamas!)
Everyday Opportunities
So just think about this as you go throughout your day. Of course, we have to be wise and be good stewards, but in most instances when we are questioning whether or not to bless someone, the answer is simply, “Go for it!” The small amount it will cost you will not compare to the huge amount of joy and love you will feel coming back at you. I firmly believe we are blessed to be a blessing, not to sit on it!
Please Note: I am not talking about giving a $100 bill to a “beggar” with brand-new $150 tennis shoes…I am talking about the many little opportunities we have each day to reach out and show love just by living with a generous heart and an open hand. It is great freedom! And our children will follow our lead.
“And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
*Check our these great resources: