Oh my goodness! I mean seriously?! The man and I have been using the same bathroom for nearly a dozen years. You would think by now he would’ve realized the error of his ways! Toilet paper should roll over the top towards the front, not down the back. Why doesn’t he realize the extreme inconvenience of the over the back roll?
The back of your hand hits the wall when you reach for it. You must go over, around, and through to grasp the next available square, and heaven forbid it should start to unroll in that position because if it is rolling down the back it will never stop! I mean, come on people! It’s simple physics!! He clearly learned this from his mother, whom I love very much, but I have to admit…To this day I still have to fight the urge to go in and change all of her toilet paper rolls to make them go the “right” way! (I know! I’m horrible!) Yes, I realized this glaring fault of Tim’s while we were dating, but I thought I could change him! Yep…always a terrible illusion.
And so began our own contentious battles with acceptance and false expectations.
When I was contacted and asked to do a book review of Mark and Jill Savages’ (of Hearts at HomeMinistry and JillSavage.org) latest book, No More Perfect Marriages I was very honored. I was no further into my reading than the press release before I knew this one was really going to get to the heart of the matter in a big way. This is where I found these words from Jill, ““Most of us entered into marriage with stars in our eyes and a belief that our spouse would meet our needs, fulfill our dreams, and satisfy our expectations. Reality set in as soon as you discovered this person you committed to puts the toilet paper on the roll backward.”
When it comes to being qualified to write a book on marriage you will be hard-pressed to find a couple more qualified than Mark and Jill. Jill is an author, speaker, and founder of Hearts at Home, and Mark is a former pastor turned business owner. They have five children and have been married for thirty-three years, twenty-five of them happily. They experienced a crossroads in their marriage six years ago, when Mark had a full-blow midlife crisis, became involved with another woman, and walked out. Today, God has restored their marriage and grown their intimacy and the couple is ministering together to other couples walking through similar struggles and crises.
In my next post I’ll draw back the drapes (Who am I kidding? We keep our issues veiled with sheer curtains, if anything at all!) and allow you to peek into the window of our own (or should I say my own) personal struggles in the area of acceptance as I share more particulars on the insights I gleaned from this great book. 
For now here is a great quote from Mark, “…the grass isn’t really greener on the other side of the fence – there are just different weeds over there!” Love it!
I encourage you to get your own copy of No More Perfect Marriages. Whether rebuilding from brokenness, attempting to cut things off at the pass when the “slow fades” are threatening to do your marriage in, or looking for tips on ways to preserve what you have, you are sure to find something in this book to encourage and inspire you along your journey.
Also, be sure to check out their blog for more great resources on marriage, parenting, and loving your mom-life! Click here!
Until next Monday…
“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
See all posts from my Book Review of No More Perfect Marriages…