Spiritual Burnout: What To Do When You’re Just Not Feeling It

So what do you do when you don’t feel anything? When you try to have your “God-time” but quite frankly feel like, what’s the point?
This is dedicated to a friend of mine who is going through a dry season in her soul. Please notice I did not say in her spirit. Our spirits are the truest part of who we are. They are the one piece of us which will always know Whose we are.
Your Spirit is Strong!
We were created in the image of our great God. We are a Spirit. We have a soul. We live in a body. Furthermore, once we accept Jesus as Lord of our life, the Holy Spirit Himself comes to live on the inside of us (1Corinthians 6:19, Acts2:37-39, Act10:34-48, Galatians3:1-7, Galatians3:14 ), and His Spirit cannot deny Himself. (2Timothy 2:13) Plus, Christ told us that once we have Him we will never thirst again. (John4:14 )
Our spirits cannot dry up! They are strong and full of the very same power which raised Jesus from the dead. But our souls…our mind,our will, our emotions….are in fact very fickle. This world, everyday life, and the fact that our bodies and minds are subject to our human-ness can quite frequently leave us feeling drained and parched.
Now, if you have no clue what I’m talking about when I say “accepting Christ” or “being filled with the Holy Spirit,” please go check out my post, Not seeing God work in your life? There may be a very good reason.
Shake It Up, Baby!
The common human struggle to stay spiritually vivacious in a world which so frequently drains our souls is no doubt why Paul encouraged Timothy “to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you…” (2 Timothy 1:6-7)
Why do we stir things? Because they have settled back down. God knows all too well just how human we are. The Bible gives many examples of great believers who had to stir themselves up on many occasions.
My Own Dry Spells
I experience many times of ups and downs on my journey. The roller-coaster of feelings takes many twists and turns and dips and climbs. This is why we must know Whom we have believed. (2Timothy 1:12) It is not enough to know about Him. We have to truly know Him. Know His character.
So my friends, do not be discouraged as you encounter times when your faith seems stale and your soul weak and downcast. You are not alone. These ups and downs have been common place for as long as man has walked the earth. But let us follow the example of those we witness in the Scripture hitting rock bottom, and not grow weary in doing good.(Galatians6:9)
If this is resonating with you, please join my email list below if you haven’t already. Next week I’ll share some more practical ways to begin stirring yourself up.
What to Study?
I encourage you if you are at a lose to go back through this post, and use the scriptures referenced for your own “God-time”over the next week.
Also, keep Psalm 42:5 close to your heart.
Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God. (AMPC)
Pay attention to how the psalmist acknowledged where he was and how he felt. But then he made a choice, regardless of feelings. He stirred up his soul. Maybe, like this Biblical example, you need to have a good talk with yourself. Follow this template, “I feel…But I will…”
Acknowledge where you are, but stand on what you know.
Until next week…Keep Pressing In!
See also, “Holy Hormones!”