Reflections of Stillness

This morning I go out early while things are quiet and still. I’ve always been a big advocate of getting up early to spend your time with the Lord. I mean if Jesus had to do it why not me?
Our home backs to a small pond. Because we live on a barrier island (the ocean on the east, the river on the west), and because this pond is actually connected to the river, its condition changes often. Some days it is very calm. Some days it is rough and choppy.
Today it is smooth as glass. I marvel at how perfectly it reflects the trees and houses along its banks. Like a mirror.
Seeking Stillness
Tim took the kids to school this morning, which is a rare and special treat. I get to ease into my day slower than usual. My soul was seeking stillness.
I’m currently reading the book, The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions, by Emily P Freeman. Which if you do not know Emily you need to go check her out right now. Your soul will thank you!
In this, her latest book, she talks about the value of stillness for clarity and decision making. And for the sake of hearing what’s being spoken to your heart.
Lessons in Stillness
As I sit looking out at the water with a thankful heart for the beauty of the stillness, I know there has to be a lesson here. I feel the Lord speak these words to my heart:
Still waters reflect perfectly the image of the sun. Raging waters reflect nothing. When my soul is still and at peace I can beautifully reflect the image of the Son to the world around me, but when my soul within me is turbulent and tossing there’s no reflection at all. It’s merely a churning mess.
I’ve always loved Psalm 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God.” As I wrote in a post not long ago, one day while considering this verse I felt the Lord nudging me. Just maybe it doesn’t simply mean, “Be still, and admit, confess and say that I am God.” But perhaps it’s saying, “Get still and quiet, and then you will know that I am God.
Power in Stillness
My friends, there is power in the stillness. It is in the quiet – in the peace – that we can most accurately reflect the glory of our God. If you feel your soul is a jumbled, turbulent mess I beg you, make the time to be still. Yes, you may have to get up earlier than you like, but I promise you the rewards will be worth it.
He meets us in the stillness of the morning. He speaks peace to our souls. You don’t need pretty words, the perfect devotional or a moleskin journal. You simply need to show up, and sit with the Father.
Remember, even the winds and the waves obey Him. And I believe this goes for the waves and storms raging inside our souls if we will simply sit and seek and be still.