Putting Your Blessings To Work: A Tangible Need You Can Help Meet Today!

Scripture makes it clear that we are blessed to be a blessing. (Gen. 12:2, 2 Cor. 9:11-12) For this reason I want to make you aware of a need that has been brought to my attention in the past few months.
As we head into the holiday season many of us are on the lookout for needs we can meet. Regardless of our station, the simple fact that we can access this post means we’re better off than a huge percentage of the world’s population.
No Gift Too Small
Remember the story of the widow’s mite? (Mark 12:41-44) Though what she gave was a small amount Jesus said she gave more than the wealthy men who gave large sums out of their abundance because her meager offering cost her so much more. From this we know it is not the size of our gift that truly matters to the Lord but the heart with which it is given.
How about the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000? (More like 15,000 with women and children!) (Matthew 14) Here we see how a small, seemingly insignificant portion, placed faithfully in the hands of our God can be multiplied to have greater impact than we could ever imagine when we release what we have into His powerful hands!
Tim and I are always grateful for the opportunity to give. However, as we strive to be good stewards, we are constantly seeking opportunities where we can see our gift having a tangible impact. For this reason I am so excited to put this need on your radar!
The Need
My parents have spent the last several years traveling to Guatemala multiple times a year. Their time is spent ministering to people there by feeding villages, working with local schools, prisons, and churches, and building homes (though we use that term quite loosely. We are talking one-room, metal buildings with dirt floors that are a massive blessing as they provide much needed shelter and security.) Over the years, they have come into close relationship with a wonderful church there in the village of San Andres, Semetabaj.

This church, Iglesia de Cristo Elohim, has a passion for reaching their community. For training up leaders. For bringing others to Christ. And for reaching out to the numerous orphans and homeless women who have been widowed, abused and abandoned. They have a vision to start a Christian School enabling them to impact their community through education which is otherwise not available to them.
For all of the above to happen they have a goal to purchase a very small parcel of land where they can construct a building for classrooms and outreach. (Including providing a home base for Casa de Tabitha, a women’s outreach ministry my mom co-founded with the wife of one of the church leaders.)
Here’s the Catch
In my research I have found stats claiming that in Guatemala up to 98% of the land is owned by about 2% of the people. This means land prices are outrageous! In order to purchase this small portion of an acre it is going to cost them approximately $65,000!

As of the writing of this post they have secured $38,000 towards their goal which is no small feat. In addition to this, the cost of the new building is estimated at $36,000. This puts the total remaining need at $63,000. A sum of this magnitude could easily take these precious people decades to accomplish, but we could help change that!
The church has faithful members and givers; however, the majority of their congregation have so very little from which to give.
Your Opportunity
If you are looking for a way to bless others out of what the Lord has blessed you with, and you’re looking for something very tangible I would encourage you to consider giving to this great need.
Feel free to reach out to my mom, Shandal Thomas, through her Facebook page (GaGa’s Missions) with any specific questions you may have.
If you would like to give via PayPal click HERE. This will take you to “Support a Team Member” link for The Walk A Mile Project, the organization my parents serve alongside.
IMPORTANT: When giving through the PayPal link above you must mention my mother’s name, Shandal Thomas AND Church Land in the notes section to ensure it goes into a designated fund for this exact purpose.
Every dime (100% of all monies given) will go directly to this church land purchase and building fund.
If you would prefer to give by check through the mail you may do so by making a check payable to The Walk A Mile Project with “Shandal Thomas – Church Land” in the memo line. (The Walk A Mile Project, P.O. Box 400, Pendleton, SC 29670
All gifts are tax deductible.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you all for your love and support and for your consideration of this great need.
I pray you have an incredible Thanksgiving and that your hearts and your homes overflow with the love, the peace, and the joy of our great God!