The Intertwined Life Podcast – Ep 12: Liking People is Optional…Loving Them Isn’t!

Love is less about how we feel and more about how we act.
It is not a feeling, it is a choice. A choice to love even when we don’t like! That person you can’t stand, the one you are so adamantly against, Christ died for them too!
I can’t help but think that when Christ shows His love to me He likely over looks my faults. He knows I’m not perfect, but He doesn’t let that affect the way He loves me. He loves me not because of how I act or because of how I treat Him, but in spite of it! You know what…there is some serious grace involved in His brand of love.
We are called to show this same love to others…not just those we like, and not only when they are acting like we think they should. People should not have to earn our love. They should receive it whether we think they “deserve” it or not.
I know…OUCH!
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Scripture references mentioned in this episode:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Take the #IntertwinedLife summer challenge.
Pick one to three Scripture verses related to an area you want to grow stronger in. Write them on note cards, and place them around your house where you will see them several times a day. Read them (preferably out loud) every time you see them. You will memorized them on accident!
Take a photo of your note cards, and any other ways you are incorporating growing in your faith into your everyday life this summer. Post them to Facebook or Instagram and tag me @JennyZentz using #IntertwinedLife.