Moms of Girls: Do This Study with Your Daughter!

“Finally! Someone has written a book about all the things I’m dealing with!” Relief and excitement flooded her face as she finished reading the introduction to the book I had just given her.
Earlier this year I was inspired to buy the book Lies Girls Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free and the Mom’s companion guide by Dannah Gresh.* I purchased these after hearing Dannah’s interview with Arlene Pellicane on the Happy Home Podcast.
I stored the books away for a couple months hesitant to pile the idea of a mother/daughter book study on top of the wrapping-up-fourth-grade workload Mikaela was already managing. The weekend before summer break I took Mikaela to breakfast, put the books on the table, and ran!
Seriously! I was excited to do this together over the summer, but if she was going to grumble and roll her eyes I didn’t want to see it. So I said, “I bought these books for us. I’m going to the bathroom. Read the intro and see if it’s something you think might be fun to do together.”
When I returned to the table she was beyond excited. She could hardly wait to get started.
Now, she’s already three chapters ahead of me! This study is prompting great discussion, and ministering to my soul as well. I would call this a must-do for moms of girls.
If you’ve got a tween girl I challenge you…get this study! What an incredible way for the two of you to explore powerful Truth and build on a firm foundation to prepare her for the years to come and perhaps find healing and revelation and freedom from some of the lies you may have been believing your entire life.
And if you have a teenager Dannah’s got that covered too! Check out, Lies Young Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free by Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
If you’re reading this, and you don’t have a daughter or you simply want to be sure you’re getting all the good stuff for yourself check out the one that started it all, Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
And if you haven’t already, click HERE for my free PDF, “Things I Want My Daughter to Know.”
*I was not asked to do this review. I was not provided with free books in exchange for my promotion. I simply love what this study is doing for Mikaela and I and wanted to pass it along!
You also may get some value from my previous post, $.97 to a Better Relationship With Your Daughter: Keeping Communication Open When She Doesn’t Want to Talk to You
Happy Growing!