Shake Off the Mom-Guilt of Feeling Like a Crazy Woman!

“Lord, please let my children see You in me…and not just some crazy woman!” One morning when Mikaela was in kindergarten, in the midst of home-schooling frustration, I just stopped and bowed my head to internally scream out to God for help. Mikaela asked me what I was doing. I had a choice to make. I could say, “Nothing. Now, read this word,” or I could open up and let my weakness show. I chose the latter and said, “I was praying.” To which she responded in further challenge, “For what?” I honestly said, “For peace and wisdom.” Then we went on about our lesson.
I pray that will be a moment she will think of when she feels herself reaching her end. Perhaps she will recall mommy stopping in the middle of everything to approach the throne. To give a quick cry out to the source of our strength. And then, prayerfully she will choose to follow suit.
I want to challenge all parents (grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc…), instead of attempting to “never let them see you sweat” be transparent. Allow them to witness from where you draw your strength.
Don’t attempt to put up a front or lead your kids to believe you have it all together. They will learn the truth soon enough. (Probably long before we realize!). Instead, let them see that your ability comes from the One who never fails and not from yourself. Remember, God is most glorified when we get out of the way and let His power be made perfect in our weakness!
“And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Cor. 12:9
I once wrote a song with this line. “If it takes my weakness for Your Power to be known, then Lord, let my weakness show.” I pray I can humbly live out this line. Especially in parenting where I am the first line of defense between my kids and the ways of the world. I pray they will see God’s way of handling life as opposed to learning how the world says it should be done. And if it takes my often overwhelmed, extremely exhausted, anxiety ridden mommy brain to get that done then so be it! 🙂 To God be the glory!
For more like this check out, For the Christian Mom Who is Losing Her Mind: You Are Not Alone!