Jesus – The only man to ever understand women!

There’s one thing (ok, one of many) which men simply cannot understand about women, and that is that often times we women cannot understand ourselves! While some sisters may not want to admit it, I’ve talked to enough to know I’m not alone. We can often be described as beautifully complex balls of emotions, hormones and analyzing thoughts that just won’t quit! But there is one Man who knows women. He sees us…not the frequent, outward craziness, but He sees deep into our souls. Sees us for who we long to be and the power and passion behind our beautiful mess. His name is Jesus.
Beautifully written with transparent glimpses into her own piercing journey, Kelli insightfully unwraps the wondrous way Christ had of relating to the women who crossed His path. He saw their pain and their struggles, but He saw beyond all that to the precious, complex creatures women are, the crowning jewel of all creation. In this book Kelli walks us through a close examination of Christ’s encounters with seven different women in Scripture. Women had a special place in our Savior’s heart. He cherished these women, drew them to Himself, and lavished them with the love and acceptance of heavenly grace.
No matter where life finds you now, whether you’re cruising along or barely getting by, regardless of your current struggles, depths of pain, or feelings of shame, inadequacy or sheer confusion, I highly encourage you to join Kelli on this journey as she so masterfully uncovers the stories of women forever changed by an encounter with the Lord. Be encouraged that you are not so far from His grasp that this same encounter cannot be yours if you’ll just reach out for the hem of His garment, drink of His living water, break open the alabaster jar of your soul and be poured out before His lavish mercy and grace. Through this book you’ll realize afresh, or perhaps for the first time, how He longs to pierce your soul and embrace your heart.
Read it with your Bible close at hand! Wherever you are on your journey, this book will open your eyes to where He is…right there with you, ready to wrap you in His warm embrace.
Go HERE to get your own copy of Pierced & Embraced today.
Check out other books I love a recommend HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: I did receive a free copy of this item for review purposes, and I am an Amazon affiliate; however, I promise to only recommend things I love!