Staying in the Hard Times: Could the middle of my trials actually be right where God wants me?

You’ve got to be kidding me! Why would God tell me to stay in the midst of a terrible situation? Shouldn’t I run?
These questions bombarded me. The pastor was reading form Acts chapter one. No idea the point of his message that day! When he read verse four I mentally derailed. As I stared at it on the big screen I had one of those moments when something just jumped out at me.
Wrestle With It
Ever read a verse you’ve skimmed past countless times only to suddenly be stopped in your tracks? That’s the Holy Spirit, people. When this happens, stay there. Wrestle with it. Like Jacob wrestling with the Lord, don’t let go until you’ve gotten from it all the Lord has to give you. (See Genesis 32)
I promise your relationship with Him will grow more from a month of rolling one verse over and over again in your mind (that’s meditating), than from reading a book a day just to check a box.
Speaking of boxes…Let me put away my soap box real quick.
Stay in Jerusalem
Okay…Acts 1:4.
This verse comes from the days after Jesus had risen from the dead but before He ascended into heaven. The risen Jesus is hanging out having dinner with His crew. “While being together and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Of which,” He said, “you have heard Me speak.”
Stop and read that again. What? Stay in Jerusalem? Do you have any idea what Jerusalem was like for the disciples at that time?
These men, big, strong, blue-collar guys, were hiding for their lives. Just a few days before, they thought they had lost everything when the One for Whom they had laid everything down was crucified on a cross for all to see. Their faith was shaken to the core.
Wait For It
Then, three days later when He rose from the grave, as He had already told them He would, their faith was restored, but their lives were in more danger than ever. They were being hunted by all the officials and all the guards. The most feared officers in the known world wanted their heads.
People were threatened by Christ just as they are today. When His body was gone the officials were willing to go to any extreme necessary to prove that the disciples were behind the disappearance. As the disciples most likely were making plans to get out of Dodge, Christ said, Stay in Jerusalem. Stay in the midst of your trouble. Stay in the middle of the hardest time of your life. Stay, though fear so grips you that death would be a welcome escape. “Stay in Jerusalem,” He said, “and wait for what God has promised, which you have already heard from me.”
Hard Times
Wow! What a powerful message for our lives. We’ve all had those times where maybe it would be easier to just run away.
We’re frightened. Paralyzed by fear. We just want to get out of the situation. We frantically look around searching for a way of escape. But first, listen.
Is Christ whispering to your heart, “Stay and wait to see what God has promised. The promises you have already read in my Word. The promises I already told you about. Stay and wait and see.”
This reminds me of another one of my very favorite verses found in Exodus 14. In verses thirteen and fourteen Moses told the people, “Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.”
Stay or Go?
There are times when common sense tells you God has provided a way out of your tough situation, and you need to take it. But there are other times when God wants to show you just how awesome He is, and He says, “Stand still and watch. I will fight for you!”
Should you look around you and find no way out. Should you feel fear, anxiety, overwhelm, and fatigue threatening to swallow your soul. Stand as Jehoshaphat and the nation of Israel, and cry out to the Lord, “We have no might to stand against this great company that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12)
Trust Him. If He calls you to stay He will give you peace and rest to stand.
Only personal, devoted, quiet time with the Lord will answer the question for you of which type of situation you’re in. But rest assured, God will do what He has promised. The things you have already heard from His Word!
My friends, there is so much purpose in pain. Sometimes we must be still in the midst of it to see how great our God is and how His ways are so much greater than our own. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.” Isaiah 40:31
(See more Purpose in Pain posts HERE.)