Run Like David: Finding the Strength to Face Your Giants

I love examining the life of King David. If you have a problem, there’s a good chance he had a similar one, or one much worse. So much we can learn here. And the fact that he is described, despite all his major screw-ups, as “a man after God’s own heart” most definitely puts him at the top of the list when it comes to who we should look to as a role-model.
One of my favorite things to note is when he was facing Goliath 1 Samuel 17:48 says he “ran toward the battle line.” Make no mistake. He was not a big, strong, brave, experienced warrior. David was just a kid. A shepherd. Too young to go to war and too easily overlooked to even be called in by his own dad when Samuel came to look for the next king among Jessie’s sons.
And yet…
David had a fire in his soul from all the time he spent alone with the Lord out in those fields. He had encountered many trials already. I don’t know about you, but my average day doesn’t usually include having to take down a bear and a lion with my own hands.
I am weak but…
Fact is, David knew he was weak, but he also knew the truth that Paul would share hundreds of years later with the church at Corinth. In our weakness God‘s strength is made perfect. (2 Corinthians 12:9) He knew this because he had seen this happen time and time again.
As David moved toward Goliath he didn’t crawl. He didn’t hesitantly step forward. No, he ran toward the battle line. And as he did he was reminding himself of all the ways the Lord had helped him in the past. Of the great battles he had fought where the Lord’s power sustained him and gave him victory.
Speak it!
As he ran forward to face his giant he spoke out loud of the power of God which he had witnessed in past victories. Of other times when, though fear undoubtedly threatened to paralyze him, God raised him up.
Because David chose to stir himself up by recounting past victories he was able to run with confidence to face his giant.
So whatever your giant. No matter how much fear may try to paralyze you where you stand. No matter how big your circumstances. Take your little pebbles, your sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) and your shield of faith. Strap on your helmet of salvation and your breast plate of righteousness. Gather everything up that may cause you to stumble, and hold it in place with the belt of truth. Lace up your shoes of peace, and run towards the battle line reminding yourself and all those who may witness your fight that your God reigns! (Ephesians 6)
And you know, just as He’s been there before He’s going to do it again! Stir yourself up. Recall your past victories, and stand firm on the knowledge that you, my friend are more than a conqueror through Him who is your strength, your Vindicator and the Lover of your soul!
Practical tip:
Grab yourself a journal, a cup of coffee and a quiet spot. Regardless of how you are feeling, write down things you know. Think about times when you saw the hand of God in your life and there was no denying it.
Think about times in the past where you were walking through a dark valley or facing a huge giant, and remember how God sustained you. How God brought you through. Think of how you saw the hand of God in that valley of dry bones.
Remember that what Satan intends for evil God will use for your good. The key is you have to let Him. Even this (whatever your “this” may be), God will use for His glory and your growth. As well as for the inspiration of countless others if you will just throw your broken pieces at His feet.
He has a plan. Stand on what you know regardless of how you feel, and you will see the power and the glory of the Lord right where you are.
Run to your battle line knowing your victory is in the name of the Lord.
The Power of the Lord IS upon you!
Flip back with me if you will to 1 Samuel chapter 16 when David is anointed by Samuel to be king. Before Goliath. Before the Psalms. Before King Saul’s assaults. David, as a young shepherd boy, was anointed to be king of Israel. And verse 13 says, “the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.”
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and surrender your life to the King of Kings the Holy Spirit indwells you. You are anointed from the moment of salvation, and in that moment the Spirit of the Lord comes mightily upon you from that day forward.
No matter what giants you may face. No matter what foes may seek to take your life. No matter what lions and bears you may come up against. And no matter what mistakes you may make, nothing can change the fact that from the moment you said yes to Jesus the Spirit of the Lord has come mightily upon you from that day forward. Amen! So be it! Hallelujah!