7 Powerful Bible Verses for When You Realize You Have Made the Wrong Decision
Perhaps you’ve been following along in this series on finding God’s will, and you find yourself thinking, gee, wish I’d read this a few years ago. Maybe you’re thinking, all this is great, but I have already made my decision, and I obviously made the wrong one.
My friend, there is hope! All is not lost.
Regardless of the decisions you have already made we serve a God who is able to take any mess we make and turn it into beauty and use it for good if we will throw it at His feet.
So many of us are very familiar with Romans 8:28. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and to those who are called according to his purpose.” Please do not miss the phrase all things.
We cannot make such a mess of our lives that He cannot use it for great things as long as our heart’s desire is to please Him. There’s no way around the fact that if your heart is honestly turned toward God He is going to make awesome things happen.

Queen of sticky statements, Lysa TerKeurst says, “If I’m trusting myself, I will stare at all the possible ways I could fail. If I’m trusting God, I will stare at all the possible ways He’ll use this whether I fail or succeed. God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on his ability to use well.”
Can anyone say freedom! The point is being made that, even if our decision isn’t the best or the most correct, we serve a God Who promises us He can work all things out for good to those who love Him. So you can trust that even your mess ups can turn out good because you are putting them in the hands of an awesome God.
And furthermore, we, like Paul, can boast in our weaknesses knowing that, even when we are a complete mess, He has promised that it is in our weaknesses that His strength is made perfect!
Ordinarily I would wrap up my post by giving you Scripture either in full or linked to www.BibleGateway.com. But here’s what I’d like for you to do this time. Grab your Bible and a notebook. Find a quiet place outside or in a comfy chair. Let everyone know, if they are awake and around, that you need some alone time with the Lord, and you’re off-limits for a while. Still in your soul, and put your mind on the things of God. Sit quietly in His presence. (Whether you feel Him or not, trust that He is there.)
Now, take time to look up the following verses… preferably in a real ink and paper Bible. Meditate on them. Roll them over and over again in your mind. See what the Lord Himself has to speak to your heart.
- Isaiah 43:18&19
- Revelation 21:5a
- 2 Corinthians 12:9
- Romans 8:28
- Ephesians 4:22-24
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- 1 Peter 5:7
Next week will be my final post in the finding God’s will series. In it we will address the topic of what to do if you haven’t heard anything new from God in a really long time. Until then…
You are strong. You are brave. And you are awesome! Go out there, and share His love with everyone you come across. And yes, that includes those living in your own house!