Encouragement for Christian Kids Heading Back to School

The new school year is fast upon us. For all the Christians out there… Your classroom is your mission field! Be ready to let your light shine!!
Whether your classroom is at a large campus, a small private school, or in your living room, you are on a mission to show Him and His love to those around you. I challenge you to look beyond yourself and accept your divine assignment to let your light shine bright for Him this school year!
Hope this video is just the encouragement and jump-start you need. It’s going to be a great year!
The confession mentioned in the video:
“God uses me to show His love to everyone around me. And I look for ways to make others feel loved and special. The classroom is my mission field, and I let my light shine bright for Him.”
(See Matthew 5:16, Hebrews 10:24, 2 Corinthians 5:20)