Hi, I’m Jenny!
Welcome! I hope you find a beautiful space to land here. No matter where life has you right now, I promise you are not alone. My name is Jenny. (Seriously, it’s just Jenny. As in NOT JENNIFER. No joke. My birth certificate says “Jenny.” My mom said she was going to name me what she planned to call me. So, there you have it!)
I am a wife. I am a mom. I am an avid student of God’s Word (the Bible) and love to share what He shows me as I continue to dig. I am a loud laugher!
I’m a little passionate. Ok, A LOT passionate! As far back as I can remember I have had a craving for God’s Word….in middle school my nickname was Preacher Woman…but it was NOT a good thing. I grew up big on rules and light on grace. Praise the Lord, He has done much work over the past few decades to soften those hard edges of my iron-clad soul.
I am so thankful to say, these days my excitement to see others living a purposeful, passionate, and vibrant life in Christ far outweighs my desire to make sure everyone is following all the rules. In short, I’ve learned to stop trying to do the Holy Spirit’s job for Him…at least most of the time!
Now my nickname is Firestarter. (Yes. there’s an awesome story behind that one!) I am fiery and passionate and excited to help light fires for Jesus in the hearts of His people…especially His beautiful daughters.
I have an insatiable desire to help women discover practical ways to apply the power of God’s Word to our everyday stuff! I truly believe our walk with the Lord and our everyday lives should be seamlessly intertwined. It should affect
every move we make and every breath we take. I’m here to help take the pressure off, to help you stop feeling like you have to get it right all the time and figure it all out. I want to help you find joy and peace in just showing up, getting into God’s Word, and letting His Spirit do the work of making it all make sense and setting your soul on fire for Him!
If you ask me where I’ve learned and grown the most, it is the catalyst of marriage…which revealed more to me about myself than I really wanted to know; in the ever-evolving journey of motherhood…hello teenage years! And in the valleys of loss and hurt, including my personal battle with anxiety and depression. I’d never have asked for the trials, but I know I would have little to pass on to others if they weren’t part of my story. My mess is my message! I hope you’ll settle in here and do life with me, as together we venture to keep
God first and our sanity intact!
You’ve got this. Because He’s got you!
P.S. Be sure to sign up for my email list, so we can stay connected!