11 Tips For Getting More Out of Summer By Doing Less

So how’s it going? Some I know are just getting into summer, while others of us are down to only a month left! It has gone so fast already. And we still have plenty to do (or not do as the case may be), so I’m not going to keep you long.
As you may know, we are in the midst of a rerun of a series I hosted last year called “Retro Summer.” The point is to shift our hearts and minds back to the days when summers were for doing less and playing more. Soaking in the sun and the moments. Back when boredom prompted creativity, rather than parental anxiety.
Finding yourself at a loss for where to begin? What do you do when choosing not to do too much? Here are just a few simple and fun ways you can slow down, simplify, connect and live more intentionally this summer:
Retro summer tips:
– Read out loud together or listen to an audio book.
One of my favorite childhood memories is sitting in our living room floor with my little sister listening to our mom read Black Beauty. Honestly, I really can’t tell you much about the book itself, but the feeling of anticipation each night as she picked up the book and we settled in is something I still remember.
The queen of the read-aloud movement is Sarah Mackenzie of Read-Aloud Revival. Check out her book and podcast to get you going. I’m binging on her right now, and the kids and I are reading aloud or listening to an audio book together every day and loving it!
– Sort out all the toys.
Having tons of toys piled up everywhere is way too overwhelming and overstimulating. More times than not the kids will just shut down and cry “boredom” when their little minds are crippled by decision fatigue.
Clutter has the same effect on us as adults. Too much stuff in our homes and too many tasks on our to-do lists can cause us to feel like we are losing our minds!
Now, I’m a big proponent of donating and selling toys that don’t get used and just take up space. However, if you’re not quite as ruthless as I am at least go out and get a large storage container. Or better yet, just wait for your next large Amazon shipment, and use the box. (If you’re like me, you won’t be waiting any more than a couple of days at the most.)
Then, when the kids are out of the house or otherwise occupied, take out everything they don’t usually play with, place it in the box, and just put it away. Chances are they will not ask for it. You may even consider putting the toys on a monthly rotation. This will keep their toys fresh and inspiring, their rooms cleaner and help to eliminate the decision fatigue and overstimulation of having too many things to play with.
– Get off the sidewalk.
Go for a walk in the park, at a playground or just around your neighborhood, and don’t stick to the sidewalks. Walk through the grass, down a trail, over some rocks. Run through some trees playing tag. When kids are encouraged to explore and venture out of the norm it is amazing how their senses kick in and how much more they notice.
– Eat breakfast outside.
Having trouble getting the kids outside to begin with? Why not tell everyone to grab their cereal bowls or toaster waffles, and head outside for breakfast. Once they are out there their natural childhood instincts will likely take over.
– Tour of playgrounds.
Depends on where you live, but we seem to pass random little playgrounds quite often while out on one errand or another. Why not look for playgrounds in a 10 mile radius on Google Maps and try some new spots? Take a fold out chair and a book for yourself. Throw a few snacks in a bag, and let them play and run and climb until their hearts’ content.
– Plant a garden together.
Last summer we bought a little raised garden planter on Amazon, and stuck a few plants in it. Mikaela and Holden loved watching our plants grow. We were even able to enjoy some of the veggies we grew. This offers a great chance to connect your kids with their food, with the Creator and with life.
– Have them choose what’s for dinner and go shopping with you.
Encourage them by allowing them to pick out any fruit or vegetable they want to try in the entire store. This is a great way to get them trying new things they ordinarily wouldn’t. Then let them help you in the meal preparation. Things will take longer, but it will be worth it on so many other levels that truly count.
– TripAdvisor your own area.
See your hometown through the eyes of a tourist. You may be shocked at what you find just steps from your front door. And you may very likely find many inexpensive or even free options.
– Have an easily accessible “approved snack” basket in a cabinet and/or drawer in the fridge which they can reach on their own.
When they want a snack they can handle it themselves.
– Find a local ministry, food pantry or shelter where you can volunteer as a family.
The kids will love being a part of something that makes such an impact, and they will learn so many valuable lessons about being His hands and His feet.
Warning: This may very likely cultivate bigger hearts and more grateful attitudes.
– Introduce them to your favorite shows, books and games as a kids.
This has been a fun one. In the past year, thanks to the wonders of Hulu and Amazon Prime Video, I have introduced my kiddos to such throwbacks as Full House, The Cosby Show (I know. I know.), and even I Love Lucy.
We’ve had fun playing games like, Battleship, Connect Four, Checkers, and Clue.
How fun to relive your childhood as they experience theirs!
So there you have it. More than enough prompts to get you going, or not going so much.
Anymore, I see kids who are more exhausted in the summer than they are in the school year and moms who are more frazzled than refreshed. May it not be so with us!
Our kids’ childhoods are passing so fast. Let’s not rush the days, for in doing so we will inevitably rush the years.
Still to come: Two more [re]posts by some very special guest contributors will be showing up over the next couple weeks. I’m thrilled to have the ladies sharing their wisdom and talents with us for this Retro Summer series. I know you’re going to love them as much as I do!
If you haven’t already, be sure to go back and check out last week’s post by Megan Ericson from meganericson.com.
And please sign up below to receive an email when a new post goes live, so you don’t miss a minute of the fun, the growth, and the inevitable laughs.
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