“Jesus, the Ultimate Ladies’ Man,” with Sarah Holley: Plus great tools for how to study the Bible – The Intertwined Life Podcast, Ep : 97

Such a rich conversation! In this episode, author, speaker, counselor, and Bible teacher, Sarah Holley shines a bright light on the view God has of women. Plus, we have a great discussion on tips and tools for how to study the Bible.
“In a society where women were often marginalized and their voices diminished, Jesus stood as a shining example of honor and love.
Jesus was a revolutionary in every sense of the word—especially in the way He treated women! Whether you are a devoted Christian seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings or an individual interested in exploring the timeless wisdom of one of history’s most influential figures, Jesus, the Ultimate Ladies’ Man offers a unique and inspiring perspective. It invites readers to reimagine and appreciate the far-reaching impact of Jesus’ love and respect for women.” (Quote from Sarah’s website)
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Scripture references mentioned in this episode:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
– Jesus, the Ultimate Ladies’ Man
– Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels
– Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible
– Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear By Jinger Duggar Vuolo
– Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds By Jen Wilkin
– Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the Old and New Testament Words
– The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament
– https://www.gotquestions.org/
– Connect with Sarah: https://sarahholleyspeaks.com/contact/
– God’s Whisper in a Mother’s Chaos: Bringing Peace Home
– A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 By Phillip Keller
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