Homeless to Hopeful: Stories From New Life Mission, Part 4: Jessica’s Story – The Intertwined Life Podcast, Ep : 32

Addiction, incarceration, unplanned pregnancies…BUT GOD! Friends, you know I love those but God moments! When all that came before no longer matters, and everything changes. In today’s very special episode I have the privilege of interviewing New Life Mission student, Jessica. Jessica’s story of coming to the end of herself and to the beginning of a brand-new life for her and her family is so powerful.
This is episode 4 in our 5 part series featuring the work of New Life Mission in Brevard County, FL. This incredible, Christ-centered nonprofit is transforming the lives of homeless women with children, helping to break the cycle of homelessness and get them on a path to dream again!
In this beautiful, raw interview with Jessica you will get an inside look at where these brave women come from and the powerful transformation they undergo when they rise to the challenge of entering the life-changing program at New Life Mission.
WARNING: Do not cut out before the end of this episode when I ask Jessica what she would say to a mom who is currently in the place she was five years ago!
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Scripture references mentioned in this episode:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- New Life Mission
- Get Involved
- Support/Give
- Community Care & Share 2021 (Watch Now!)
- Get Involved
– Women’s Residential Orange County (Orlando)
- Homeless to Hopeful: Stories From New Life Mission, Part 1 with Founder/CEO, Stacia Glavas
Connect with New Life Mission On Facebook @NewLifeMissionBrevard and Instagram @newlife_mission
Connect with me on FB and IG @JennyZentz
*Please note any resource links are affiliate links. I will receive a small percentage from purchases made through them to help compensate for the time, effort and cost of content creation. Happy Shopping!
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