Get Out of Here, Satan! : The Power of Memorizing Scripture and Why We Must Do It


I firmly believe that in the absence of memorizing scripture we can never truly unlock the full power of the Word in our lives. Hiding His Word in our hearts is so much more than a Vacation Bible School mantra. It is a recipe for breaking down strongholds and building up lives. Because the Word of God is alive and active, once it is firmly planted in the hearts and minds of His people there is no limit to what it will accomplish.

A 4 Year Old’s Perspective

One of my favorite Mikaela stories occurred in our kitchen back in northern Virginia one day when she was almost 4 years old. This was just an ordinary Tuesday morning…Remember, you don’t have to set the stage just right for a ground-breaking spiritual conversation with your kids. We were just emptying the dishwasher.

Trust that as you continue to tune into the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit in your own life, He will prompt you in natural ways to present truths from His Word and about His character to your kids in the common happenings of everyday life.

Okay, back to the kitchen… I was telling Mikaela about Matthew 4, where Jesus is tempted in the desert by Satan. Explaining that “to tempt” is when someone tries to get you to do (or to want to do) something wrong. I told her Satan is God’s enemy. That he doesn’t love God, and he tries to trick us into not loving Him either. Immediately, she stomps her foot and shouts, “But He is my God, and I love Him very much! So get out of here, Satan!” Of course I’m thinking, “That’s my girl!”

We went on to talk about the powerful way that Jesus confronted Satan. Mikaela’s favorite part was when Jesus said, “Get out of here!” But we also talked about the other half…Christ used the most powerful weapon of all, the Word of God. Each time He replied, “It is written…”

Why Memorize Scripture?

Now, I want you to think about this. When Satan was trying to fill Christ’s head with lies and junk Jesus didn’t have time to run and get His Bible. (Or scrolls, as the case may be.) He couldn’t say, “Hold on just a second. I know there’s a verse for that.”

I know this is a comical thought, but the truth is, He was human just like us. Had He not spent time in the Word and made it a point to memorize scripture (hiding it in His heart) it would no doubt have been much more challenging to defeat the devil in this situation. But He was prepared!

Memorizing Made Easy

Now, before you say you can’t memorize, let me ask you something. Do you remember the words to your favorite song from high school? How about the name of your best friend in kindergarten? Quick, what year did the United Sates declare its independence? What line is MLK Jr. most famous for? (For that matter, what does MLK mean?) What is 4 x 4? How about your phone number?

I think you get the point. Repetition is key. Reading something once and hoping to remember it does not equate memorization. On the other hand, if you read, write and say something several times a day it will stick whether you intend for it to or not. (Which is a whole other message about being careful what we allow into our minds.)

God wouldn’t call us to hide His words in our hearts if we couldn’t do it. Just pick a verse that really ministers to you, and read it several times a day. Write it on your bathroom mirror. (Dry erase markers are great for this!) Put it on note cards placed where you will see them several times a day. (The car, the coffee pot, your desk, your fridge, where you keep your keys…) Head HERE for some great scriptures to get you started. Just pick one. They’re all good!

Soon it will begin coming to you, seemingly out of the blue, just when you need it most. And you will then experience the Holy Spirit speaking to you out of the scripture you have stored up! Memorizing scripture is an awesome tool for taking each thought captive and putting Satan in his place from the very first instant he makes a move for your mind.

The Pressure Is Off

Tim and I honeymooned on the island of St. Lucia. The natives had a fun saying. “No pressure. No problem.” This was their answer to everything. Twelve years later we still find ourselves saying this to each other as a great reminder to let things go and chill out.

We believers can get ourselves all worked up about hearing from God. Understanding His Word. Finding His will. (Check out my video God’s Will Is NOT the Golden Easter Egg for more on this.) But scripture is so clear that these things really are not our responsibility. In a sense God is standing by saying, “No pressure. No problem, mon.”

One of my favorite passages is John 14:26.

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.”

This takes so much pressure off! We don’t have to know it all, understand it all, or even remember it all. But please know that the Holy Spirit cannot remind us of something we’ve never given mind to in the first place. Yes, we have a responsibility. Our job is to get His Word in there, but God will make it work!

For more along these lines check out:

11 Bible Verses for Self Motivation

15 Minute “God-Time” Routine

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