How to Keep It Together When All Your Plans Fall Apart

I am a planner! I even plan to plan. I’m of that crazy brand that will actually write an accomplished task on my to-do list simply to experience the pleasure of crossing it off. I know. I have issues.

It wasn’t so very long ago when an unexpected detour in my plans could send me into a funk for days. Maybe it’s being in my mid-thirties, or perhaps it is being a mom long enough now to know that… almost nothing ever goes as planned, but thankfully I’m much better at handling life’s twists than I used to be. (Though I still have plenty of room to grow.)

How about you? When your day gets derailed do you fall off the tracks with it?

Here’s a thought: Just because things don’t go according to your plans, doesn’t mean they are not going according to His. When you wake up you may have certain expectations only to find yourself watching in utter disbelief as an entirely different day unfolds. While it may catch you off guard, remember to take the hand of the One Who not only knows the way but build the path!

He knows what is around every corner, and He has equipped you to handle it before you even saw it coming.

I still remember an Easter weekend about 4 years ago. Mine and Tim’s anniversary was the following week. And we had a plan! After spending Easter at his parents’ (three and a half hours away) the kids would stay for a few days, giving Tim and I some much needed alone time. Something we had not had in nearly a year.

On that Sunday evening we are 30 minutes from home when we get a call that Holden (who had been great all day) had developed a fever. Really??? And just like that, all the highly anticipated plans went out the window.

We waited out the night to see if it was just a passing thing, but I received a call at 7 a.m. the next morning. My baby needed me. And just like that my “Mommy’s day off” morphed into 6 hours in the car (we also got stuck in traffic), two doctors’ visits, and holding him down while they drew blood form his little arm…twice! (At the time He had been having chronic fevers off and on for a year which we were trying to get to the bottom of. Praise God, we finally did, and he is great now!)

During my God-time that Monday morning, as I was praying God would heal Holden and preserve this special time for Tim and I, something entirely different was in the works. When the call came in I am grateful that by His strength and continuous sanctification I was able to say, “Ok, Lord. You’ve got this. Help me to make wise decisions and operate in the peace and joy you have for me. Trusting you with each step.”

The fact is, nothing that happens surprises God. In fact nothing happens that He didn’t know about before time began! The scriptures tell us that each day of our lives was planned before one of them came to be! (Psalm 139:16)

Absolutely nothing can happen that He can’t (won’t) use for good if we will just lay it at His feet. (Romans 8:28)

While the circumstances may be horrendous, the results can be stupendous. Trust Him. And like Joseph, be confident that what Satan intends for evil God can use for good! (Genesis 50:20)

So, instead of letting circumstances and the unexpected throw you off and turn you into an emotional wreck, determine now, whatever comes your way, your plan is to just go with it!

Trust that His ways are better that yours. (Isaiah 55:8-9) And no matter what may come, be confident in His great love for you knowing He will never let go of your hand!

“Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.” Isaiah 41:10 (AMP)


For more encouragement Check out Peaceful Mama = Peaceful Home; Crazy Mama = Everybody Run!!

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