Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God’s Word to our everyday stuff.
Hey Mama!
I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Jenny, and I’m passionate about helping Christian women discover practical ways to apply the Bible to their everyday stuff!
Do you ever feel like there’s a disconnect between your faith and your everyday?
Are you craving a truly intertwined life? A life where your faith is thriving? A life where your relationship with Jesus and your everyday stuff is so seamlessly intertwined it affects every move you make and every breath you take?
You know Jesus said He came so you can have and enjoy your life (John 10:10), but you feel more like life has you!
If you are done with going through the motions of the Christian life. Finished with snack size portions of peace and power and joy and ready for the truly thriving life Christ says you can have then I am here for you!