Breaking Free From Controlling Emotions: A Powerful Weapon for When You Feel Powerless

If I asked you, “What is that thing that can immediately change your mood, your thoughts, your actions, your body language, your attitude…” What would be your answer? What immediately comes to mind? You know it. It’s that thing that can bump up against you and immediately your whole day seems to take a nosedive?

We all have that one thing…or for me it is usually several things…which can pop up and suck the life out of us, or at least any life resembling Christ! Well, I want you to look at this with me…

In 1 Corinthians 6:12 Paul is writing to the Corinthians about the various sins that were running rampant in their society. He goes on to talk about our freedom in Christ but then makes this claim, “I will not become a slave to anything or be brought under its power.”

I’ve known this verse for years, and I’ve always taken it as instruction for being sure to never let the desires of the flesh (or human nature) consume and control me. In the context of this verse this is a very appropriate application. However, God gave me a new revelation on this passage last week.

You see, while writing this blog is something I love and know I’m called to do, I also know that if I want to continue to move forward in the call the Lord has put in my heart (speaking being my true passion) this blog has to really be getting out there. It has to be found, read, followed and shared. The ability of this blog to reach more and more people depends in part on my doing a lot of learning and growing in areas that quite frankly intimidate the heck out of me! SEO, HTML code, mail servers, self-hosting, domain editing, social media presence, #blah, blah, blah…..

Recently, I had become so consumed with the growth of this blog, with figuring out how to expand its reach and all the overwhelming, confusing tech things swimming around in my head that I came to a point where the anxiety and the pressure were overtaking me and robbing me of the joy of doing the work the Lord has given me to do.

 While I was sitting in my chair early one morning, the Lord spoke this to my heart. I was a slave to this pressure and anxiety. I was being brought under its power, and it was controlling me. On the days where I was figuring things out and making some headway I felt great. On the days where I felt completely overwhelmed and found myself spending every hour the kids were in school simply staring at the computer screen frozen with ignorance, I was completely frustrated, overwhelmed, and anxious. And if I’m being completely honest…quite mean!

 This verse from 1 Corinthians came to mind, and the word “anything” jumped out at me. Yes, Paul may have been talking about gluttony, debauchery, and sexual immorality, but the fact is, I should not become a slave to anything or be brought under its power. Anxiety and frustration were constantly controlling me, making me a slave and bringing me under their power.

 WOW! That was exactly what I needed. I grabbed my Bible and a note card. I wrote out the verse and placed it where I would see it often. In that moment, my struggle was not miraculously over. God rarely just takes our trials away, but He always gives us what we need to fight our battles. Now, each time I feel those feelings threatening to overtake me, I speak out loud, “I will not become a slave to anything or be brought under its power.” In claiming the Word over my situation and boldly standing against the enemy’s attacks on my mind, I find renewed focus, drive, and joy! And yes, an incredible freedom!

 So again I ask you, what is controlling you? What are you a slave to? Is it your emotions? Is it your fear? Is it your anger? Is it your need to please others? Is it being too easily offended? Whatever it is, I hope you will write this verse out. In fact, please go grab three or four sticky notes or 3×5 note cards, or just some notebook paper, or even take a dry erase marker to your bathroom mirror. Write this verse several times, and put this scripture on your mirror, on your fridge, where you like to sit to unwind, in your car, next to where you keep your keys … wherever you will see it several times a day. And every time you see it say out loud, “I will not become a slave to anything or be brought under its power.”

 Sit with the Lord with this verse. Ask Him what you have become a slave to. Here’s a hint…what is it that can instantly change your mood? What is it that can cause you to go from content and happy to frustrated and lashing out in an instant? What is it that can turn your bright day into a day where all you want to do is crawl into bed? Chances are that thing is controlling you.

 We have to come up higher, sisters! God has awesome plans for us. Plans to give us a hope and a future. Plans to prosper and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). Yes, He can do super abundantly, above and beyond all that we could dare to think, ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20) But don’t forget the last part of that verse, “…according to His power that works in us.” We have some work to do using His power which He has placed in us.

 Remember, He has overcome this world! (John 16:33) We can be filled with His joy and live an incredible life that is not dependent on circumstances, feelings, or situations.

 If anything is robbing you of that joy, that peace and that contentment, take it captive! Name that thing, and say out of your mouth, “I will not become a slave to you, nor will I be brought under your power, but all things are brought under the power of the almighty God Who is at work in me!” In the name of Jesus!

For more about fighting the battle of crazy mama emotions check out my post Losing It!

I also recommend Joyce Meyer’s book Battlefield of the Mind.

If you are in need of some extra umph, I highly encourage you to get and watch this movie*!!! If you’ve never seen it, be prepared, you will feel a stirring in your Spirit that you may never have experienced before!



*Please note: I am an Amazon affiliate, but I promise to never recommend things I don’t know and love!


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